
I just finished All Things For Good by Thomas Watson, and it was stellar, start to finish. Chapter Eight, "Exhortations to Those Who are Called" (pp.119-123) was encouraging. It answers the question of focus, How now should I live?

  1. "Admire and adore God's free-grace calling in you." I ought to marvel in the fact that God passed over so many to choose me. And to consider the miserable state I left, and the glorious state to which I am heading, should comfort and still my heart regardless of what may come while I am proceeding there.

  2. "Pity those not yet called." Even the most malicious deserve my heartfelt prayers, for "wicked men are going to [their] execution: sin is the halter which stangles them, death turns them off the ladder, and hell is their burning place."

  3. "Honor your high calling." (Ephesians 4:1) I must strive to adorn my life with the attractiveness of the Gospel, and do nothing which mars the image of Christ I am given. A Christian walks worthy of their heavenly calling by:

  • Walking consistently. The Christian follows the lead of God's Word (Psalm 119:105), not departing to the left or the right. "We [must] leave men's inventions and cleave to God's institutions."

  • Walking singularly. 'Though none go with me, still I will follow.' "It is better to be a pattern of holiness, than a partner in wickedness. We must walk in an opposite course to the men of the world."

  • Walking cheerfully. What reason do we have to be dejected and downcast? (Philippians 4:4) A droopy-spirited Christian is dishonorable to God and a poor commendation of the Gospel to lost sinners. For more, consider reading this.

  • Walking wisely. This includes being watchful, courteous, magnanimous, and influential.

Thank you, Lord, that the Puritans wrote down so much of their valuable and clear teaching!