Consider the following outline of chapter 5, "The Tests of Love to God":
1. The first fruit of love is the musing of the mind upon God. Those who love God think about Him often.
2. The next fruit of love is desire of communion. We long to meet him in prayer, His Word, his ordinances, and finally, in heaven.
3. Another fruit of love is grief. Grief for sins committed by us and others, because it injures God's glory, and tramples upon the opportunities and kindness He has extended us.
4. Another fruit of love is magnanimity. Christ's followers are not afraid to own Him or His Gospel: "He who is afraid to own Christ has but little love for Him."
5. The fifth fruit of love is sensitiveness. It brings us pain to see God's honor besmirched, His truth neglected, His laws violated.
6. The sixth fruit of love is hatred against sin. "He that loves God will have nothing to do with sin, unless to give battle to it. Sin strikes not only at God's honor, but His being. Does he love his prince that harbours him who is a traitor to the crown? Is he a friend to God who loves that which God hates?"
7. Another fruit of love is crucifixion. "He who is a lover of God is dead to the world" (Galatians 6:14).
8. The next fruit of love is fear. Fear of displeasing God, fear that God's presence would depart.
9. If we are lovers of God, we love what God loves. His Word, His day (the Sabbath), His Laws, and His people.
10. Another blessed sign of love is, to entertain good thoughts of God. To give God the benefit of the doubt in affliction (Job 13:15). "It is Satan that makes us have good thoughts of ourselves, and hard thoughts of God."
11. Another fruit of love is obedience. In things difficult and dangerous. If we love God, we set ourselves against sins in purpose and in practice.
12. He who loves God will endeavour to make Him appear glorious in the eyes of others.
13. Another fruit of love is to long for Christ's appearing.
14. Love will make us stoop to the meanest offices. Considering what Christ stooped to do as a servant (John 13:3-5), we realize no task is below us.
1 comment:
Thanks! I needed to read something like this today. Thanks for taking the time to write it. It is much easier than The Almost Christian Discovered.
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